P2P stands for people to people. You are not in the B2B (business to business) or the B2C (business to consumer) environment... Everyone is looking to make relationships with POEPLE, not corporations or brands.
Now we actually talk about the process of MAKING MONEY. How you invoice is important and the type of payment methods you accept will determine whether or not you stand out.
Creating a tight mowing route is imperative if you want to make money mowing, and scheduling is important to make sure you can invoice accurately at the end of each month.
CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management and you must have one to scale a successful landscaping business.
Mike tells you IF and WHY you need to start a website and develop an online presence.
Mike tells you why you should buy an enclosed trailer instead of an open air trailer.
Mike tells you the options and his suggestions for your first zero turn mower.
Mike tells you what type of mower you should buy when you first get started.